Saturday, September 27, 2008

Super Full! x)

HYEHYEHYEHYE ;) Lol. Today, at this very moment i am REALLYYYYYY full x). Eat to much leaa! Today my step sister, her husband and my mums friend came to have dinner at our house today. So mum cooked nasi ayam today. Its been a long time since i last ate her nasi ayam. Yum owh. I woke up quite early today, had my shower and all. Then went downstairs and washed the hall and the kitchen. RAJIN KANNN! Voluntarily plak tue! Lol. Okay, then helped mum in the kitchen. ahaha, i rearrange the furniture! I LOVE IT ^_^. Lol. Then went to the bazaar to buy some kuih. My sis and I bullied daddy just now. Lol, BEST! eheh, then went home just in time to set the table and all. Then buka, and eat, eat, eat non stop! WOW! Till I'm full x( . Haha, MU wonnn!!? Seighoon Lim said said that Ronaldo is definetly not fit yet! and need to be sub! Well that was harsh! & guess what! his wrong! Ronaldo scored the goal after 15minutes after half time! Lol! They won loose the Bolton by 2 points. ahaha! Damn weird weyh im talking about football :S. But football is fun. especially when there is this HOTTIES!??! X) Rodrigo Possebon is sooo hott! ^^ Lol. Owh yea, that felix, he called me HYPO -__-" . Do i look like a hypo? sigh. Felix! ure a weirdo ^^. Lol. Okay, thats it for today, and 3 more days to go peopleee! Nak rayee. weeee. my quotes for today is

"Do not force ureself to like something that you don't"

This quote, i got from my sis. okay, thats it for today. Byebye ;)

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